Co founder & Director
Cofounder Rich is the wise, dependable sage of the business. He loves people and loves to chat, especially about travel and the world. His generosity of spirit and adventure can best be summarised by his marathon running. Not content with simply running multiple marathons over the years, in the last London marathon he guided a blind runner around the course for 5 hours, raising £1000s for charity. Imagine not just running 26 miles but concentrating on keeping someone else on track the whole way! Mind blowing…
Here is what he has to say about the flexible office sector:
What do you think makes an office worth the commute?
Your space needs to reflect your hybrid working pattern otherwise it won’t work or becomes a figurative noose round your company’s neck. So the features and design need to fit how you are going to use the space. There is no one size fits all and each company’s key requirements will vary. In saying that, meeting rooms are always important…
What are the biggest mistakes you see companies make when they are searching for an office?
Some companies get led down a path of just seeing what their broker knows about rather than taking the time to find the space that truly meets their needs. Also not having their own requirements set before starting out on the search… Key stakeholders often don’t agree and that only comes out at late stages of the search!
What flexible office industry secret do you think every company should know about?
Walls are there to be broken, literally! Providers will often be happy to be creative to tailor a space but initially be too lazy to offer those options, or might assume that tenants know to ask.
Which London district do you think is most under-rated right now?
Blackfriars. Why? It’s a great location, well connected, in the middle of the most sought after places, but better value. Great views of the river too…
What do you think is the most over-rated office feature that people think they want?
Coffee machine. I hate coffee, even the smell of it makes me want to vomit [Ok Rich, say what you think!]
What is the one thing most brokers won't tell their clients?
Sometimes office providers offer enhanced commissions to brokers for a specific building to try and get brokers to prioritise their buildings over others. This shouldn’t impact which spaces brokers share with their clients but it can sometimes happen…
What questions should more companies looking for space ask but don't?
What will the second year’s rent be and can I lock that price in upon signing? Some companies do not always realise that prices can change over time…
Fast forward to 2028 - which office trends have stuck and which have fazed out?
Businesses will want attractive, collaborative spaces more than ever. Flexibility will be crucial. The West End will see an increase of new office stock as its popularity grows and providers seize emerging opportunities. Meanwhile, the area north of Tottenham Court Road will gain significant traction, fuelled by the continued impact of the Elizabeth Line. Ultimately, businesses will gravitate toward vibrant, dynamic locations with high-quality office spaces.
What is the weirdest request you've had for an office space?
Spas, art galleries, model studios, dog sitting spaces… I’ve heard it all!